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Community Gift-Wrapping

A girl holding a present, wearing a Santa hit, sitting in front of a Christmas tree and smiling

Help wrap presents for Aspire’s students! To celebrate the winter holidays, our 130 students have put together a wish list of 300 gifts that would make their holiday season special. These presents include books, Squishmallows, clothes, art supplies, sports equipment, and more! We need your help to make sure that these presents all get wrapped so that students can experience the excitement, suspense, and joy of opening these presents with their families. If you’re a fan of gift-wrapping or want to make the holidays special for students, mark your calendars today!

To sign up, email volunteer@aspireafterschool.org

If you want extra credit, you can even buy an Aspire student a present on their wish list (https://www.amazon.com/registries/gl/guest-view/34PGJGOWNBRPW) before it closes on Friday, December 8th.

Date: December 13, 2023

Time: 11:00 am-1:00 pm

Location: Arlington Mill Community Center